Are you job fit?

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Happy New Year! 2018 is barely a week old and many of us have already failed to keep our New Year resolutions. How many of you decided you would get fit or lose weight this year? How many of us decided to give up unhealthy habits? This is the time of year that many of us focus on our health and fitness and that’s great! But how many of us ask ourselves… “are we job fit?”

What is “job fit?” Everything that affects our lives can also affect our work, our careers and our relationships within the work place. Being “job fit” means taking control and improving of all of these aspects.

Are you physically fit?

Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating right and exercising? I’m willing to bet many of you reading this wanted to commit to improving these things in your life this year. What do they have to do with work? Your physical fitness impacts your mental health, your productivity and engagement in the work place. If you’re tired at work or lethargic or calling in sick regularly, not only are you not going to get your work completed, at least not to the standard one would hope, but you’re also damaging your reputation and your career. Taking control of your eating, sleeping and exercise this year will have an enormous affect across all areas of your life – including your work.


What state are your finances in? Are you living pay check to pay check?  Money is not the most important thing in the world and it can’t buy happiness but if you don’t have enough for now, or your future, it can cause a lot of stress. When money becomes your main motivator, rather than the actual work, then work becomes hard. And when work becomes hard we aren't as passionate, productive or successful. So, what do you do? Invest in a good financial planner - you may say that you don’t have the time or money for this, but if you don’t you may have a lot of time and no money. If things are tight, work on a budget yourself that can help you set money aside, pay off debts and take the pressure off.


Feeling part of a community is important.  On Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs a sense of belonging comes in third.  Friends, family, colleagues and our community are all a part of our support network when we need them. Like everything else of value in our lives, we must nurture these relationships to make sure they are sustainable into the future. Feeling part of the community, having a social life are both important for living a balanced life. Plan how you are going to nurture your networks in 2018. Commit to a catch up a month or attending a network event every quarter. It may be as simple as participating in Friday afternoon drinks with your workmates.


Research indicates that feeling loved and giving love are the key contributors to a happy life. Financial wealth or physical health is great, but it will be lonely if you have no-one to share it with or go for a walk with.  Too many of us, me included, sacrifice time with our families and loved ones because we have to work. Even when we are home we aren’t always present or listening because we are distracted by emails or phone calls. Taking time out to be with the ones you love will help you find balance, relaxation and renewed energy. Stepping away from work allows you to come back with a fresh perspective and commitment.


Are you in the right role?  Have you got the skills you need to be the best you can be or do you need some extra training? If you have you outgrown your role it may be time to push yourself and talk to your boss about new challenges. Take some time to examine how you feel about going into the office every day. Do you feel complacent? Are you just going through the motions? Or are you happy and excited about what each day might hold?

Career goals are just as important as the financial and health goals you set. Perhaps you need a career resolution for 2018.

So, are you job fit? This is the perfect time, as you head back to work to assess the areas where you need to work on your job fitness.

Christine KhorComment